Thanks for looking at our methods and case studies. If you think we might be helpful there are two big reasons we'd look forward to working with you. One is about you, the other is about us.
For You and Your Colleagues
Our programs are designed to advance the ball for all participants: individuals, companies, and constituencies. Participation can be broad and deep. We help you accomplish results in less time, bandwidth, and dollars than customary methods. Everybody wins. Smiles all around.
For Us
Delighting customers is big fun.
We also have the privilege of applying our whole-life skill sets every day.
User Groups
AT&T, Capgemini, Bell Canada, BP, Capgemini, CDC, Citigroup, Disney, Founder, Halliburton, IBM Research Lab, Indosat, Infosys, Lenovo, MSN, NASDAQ, NEC, PCCW, Radio Shack, SAIC, Satyam, Seneca Sawmill, SFR, Shell. Sprint, TATA, Telia Sonera, UBS, Verizon, Wipro, ZTE
Best Practices & Ecosystem Optimization
Bureau of Land Management, Northwest Food Processors Association, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliances, Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Oregonians for Food & Shelter, State of Oregon, U.S. Forest Service, Washington Friends of Farms & Forests, Water ReUse Association.
Vice President, The Devonshire Group LLC
President, Emerging Tech Accelerator LLC
Senior Manager, Business Development, Intel Capital
Director of Interactive Products, BellSouth
Director of Marketing, Centigram Communications
Director of Broadcasting, MN Twins & NorthStars
President, Pro Sport America, Inc.
Competitor, World Pro Ski Tour
Sports Affinity Marketing
American Lung Association, Anheuser Busch, Coors, General Mills, Minnesota NorthStars, Minnesota Twins, Peugeot Motors, US Bank
Rebecca Sponsel President and Principal Consultant
3M, Ameritech, BellSouth, Black & Decker, Cascade Rolling Mill, Centigram, Charlotte Transit, City of Portland, Coweta Power, Detroit Public Schools, Egan Public Schools, Flagstar/Denny's Restaurants, Fujitsu, Global Services Network, Goulter Medical, Humana, Medtox, National City Bank, NEC, Nortel, Onan/Cummins, Primetime, Rollerblades, Schnitzer Steel, Spectrum Broadcasting, State of Oregon-Oregon Health Authority, State of Oregon-Dept of Human Services, Tennessee Valley Authority, TransComNet, University of Minnesota
President, The Devonshire Group LLC
Project Manager for Digitization of Plans, Permits & Inspections - City of Portland - Bureau of Developmental Services
Director of Quality Assurance, System Test, and User Adoption - State of Oregon - Department of Human Services
Operations Manager for M&A, IBM/Sequent
Voice Information Systems, Principal Consultant